The UK's
Most beautifulUser-friendliestMost powerfulLowest costMost reliableEasiestMost accurateBest supportedMost intuitiveFastest
Payroll & HR

1st FREE+ Payroll & HR for all your employees, contractors, directors, and everything in-between. Fully recognised by HMRC.

1st FREE+
Payroll & HR

Payroll for all your employees, zero-hour workers, off-payroll workers, independent contractors, directors, and more!

Get better pay. Perfect payslips!

P45s & P60s auto-emailed. Auto tax forms.

See Payroll & HR


Starting with a P45, get your new hires 100% set up. All in one place, and all in one go.

Track completion. Know who's waiting.

Verify NIs. Instantly verify new hire NIs.

See Onboarding

Time Off

All the time off options you could possibly dream of ... plus a few more!

See Time Off



Unlimited free expense claims, student loans, mileage allowances, benefits-in-kind, and much more, repaid directly through your payroll. Fully recognised by HMRC.

Email friendly. Approve from your email.

Cars, vans, fuel. All vehicle expenses.

See Expenses

HR Docs

Super-charge your business with unlimited HR automation. Plus, we've thrown in 80+ templates to help you get started.

See HR Docs

Automate your... 

Time & Attendance

Unlimited free timesheets, shift scheduling, absence management, and hourly pay. All synced directly with your payroll. Fully recognised by HMRC.

Publish shifts. Scheduled targets.

Lates & no-shows. Watch your whole team.

See Time & Attendance


Install the free iOS or Android app onto any tablet or phone. All it needs is wi-fi, a camera, and a charging cable.

Wall mounted. Clock-in with only one tap!

High throughput. Always ready to clock-in.

See TimeSpot


Your leave doc's auto-written, and your SMP1 & SPP1 form's auto-filled ... all you've got to do is tap send!

See Leave

Automate your... 


Unlimited free employee offboarding, disciplinaries, hearings, suspensions, dismissals, and resignations. Synced directly with your payroll. Fully recognised by HMRC.

See Offboarding

Automate your... 

Your all-in-one
people platform

For Payroll, HR, Pensions
...and more!


Free while you're under
10 people.

Then £0.99/mth per person.
(£9.90 minimum)

Can I really use 1st Money for free?  Most people start out only needing FREE or FREE+ so you'll likely pay nothing! (...we won't even ask for your card number)

Is the Tax Filing optional?  Yes, Tax Filing is optional. You won't need Tax Filing for contractors, advisors, external accountants, dormant employees, and unpaid interns, etc.

How do I stay on FREE+?  Each month we auto-detect which of your people actually use Tax Filing. If you're still under an average of 10 people (over the month), then you pay nothing (you're on FREE+).

How do I move to PRO?  Once you reach an average of 10 people (over the month), your FREE+ plan expires. From then on, you're billed £0.99, but only for the people who actually use Tax Filing for that month (you're now on PRO).

What's the PRO minimum?  PRO has a £9.90 minimum per month, but only if at least one of your people actually uses Tax Filing in that month. If not, then that month's free.

Any hidden costs?  There's no hidden or setup costs. All prices are +VAT @20% (reverse charge).

See pricing

Payroll & HR features

Personalised pay
FREESchedule a pay rise to start on a future date.
FREESet pay hourly or annual pay rates.
FREEStore each person's weekly target hours.
FREEOption for daily or weekly overtime pay.
FREEOption for additional night pay.
FREEPro-rata salary for employees who join or leave part month.
Flexible pay settings
FREEAll pay frequencies, incl.: weekly, fortnightly, & monthly.
FREESupports all possible pay period & payday combinations.
FREEPayslip breakdown of overtime hours.
FREEPayslip breakdown of night pay hours.
FREESupports bridging the pay gap (as you change pay schedules).
FREEOption to one-time remove a repeating payable on payday.
Advanced tax support
FREESupports all of HMRC's advanced payroll settings.
FREESupports veteran employer tax relief.
FREESupports HMRC's secondments, EEA citizens, & expat schemes.
FREESupports the new benefits-in-kind payrolling benefits approach.
FREEStores your org's payday bank details.
FREEOption to delete payslips, and start over.
HMRC connected
FREEInstant verification of NI numbers.
FREE+Get confirmation of HMRC tax filing.
FREEAutomatic handling of all HMRC notices.
FREEStores your org's HMRC government gateway connection.
FREEStores each tax agent's HMRC government gateway connection.
Payday reporting
FREEView and filter all filed payslips.
FREESummarise payroll per person for the entire tax year.
FREEDownload payroll numbers to XLS.
FREERe-download payslip PDFs, even months later.
FREEFull breakdown of hours worked per payslip.
Perfect tax setup
FREE+Pay employees, contractors, zero-hour, off-payroll, & more.
FREESupports all forms of director NICs and payroll.
FREESupports all 20+ NI category letters.
FREESubmit with your 10-digit UTR code.
FREEStore each person's tax code.
Employee self-serve
FREEEmployees can see a visual explanation of their pay.
FREEBeautiful payslip & PDF emailed to each person.
FREEEmployees can download PDFs from their payslip history.
FREEEmployees can download their tax form PDFs history.
FREEStores each employee's payday bank details.
FREESupports employee split payday payments.
FREE+HMRC receipt confirmation printed on every payslip.
FREESupports P45 previous job info.
Smooth paydays
FREECalendared reminders of important payroll dates.
FREEOption to selectively skip some people's payday payment.
FREEEdit timesheet hours on payday.
FREEAdd payslip "Hours worked" adjustments.
FREESee detailed explanations on payslip calculations.
FREEOption for a printable PDF of all paid payslips.
FREEDesignate the person to be in charge of payday.
FREEOption to temporarily halt pay.
Ultimate EPS
FREEAutomatic reminder email for your monthly EPS.
FREEFully online submission of all seven sections of your EPS.
FREEEvery EPS stores HMRC's confirmation as proof you've submitted.
FREESupports unlimited EPS changes and refiles.
FREESubmit employment allowance changes.
FREESubmit auto calculated recoverable amounts.
FREESubmit auto calculated apprenticeship levy.
FREESubmit a "Stop being an employer" notice.
Tax automation
FREEAutomatic PDF emailing of a leaver's P45.
FREEAutomatic P60 PDF emailing on the last payday of the year.
FREESubscribe to auto updates for all your minimum wage employees.
FREEAlso supports apprentice minimum wage auto rate updates.
FREEWarning if you go below minimum wage (with override).
FREESubmit banking details to HMRC.
FREESubmit a "Payroll on hold notice" to HMRC.
FREEAuto calculates all your P11D employee numbers.
FREEAuto calculates all your P11D(b) yearly numbers.
FREE+100% cloud solution.
FREE+Install on any device (optional). iOS, Android, PC, tablet.
FREE+"Who changed what" audit history throughout.
FREE+Permissions enforced privacy on all data.
FREE+Add as many people as you want.
FREE+Setup as many orgs as you want.
FREE+Jump between each of your orgs anytime.
FREE+Free support ... We're here Mon-Fri, 8 am to 5 pm, UK time.
FREE+No third party vendors or APIs required.
FREE+No extra logins or licences required.

Have a login? Log in here

Sign up today. 1st FREE+ Payroll & HR really is free.

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