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"How do I work out what it's going to cost me?"

At 1st Money, we've worked hard to make our pricing as clear as possible, so we hope that the following answers help.

"Can I really use 1st Money for free?"

Yes, you're more than welcome to make full use of all our free products. Use them as much as you like, and for as many people as you like.

If a product's marked as free, it won't cost you anything. Even if you use them with 1,000s of employees.

We don't have any plans to ever charge for our free products.

"Is the Tax Filing optional?"

Yes, our Tax Filing service is optional, and there's many situations where you'd never need it.

For example, if you've got contractors, advisors, external accountants, dormant employees, and unpaid interns, it's likely that you'd never have to file taxes for those people.

That means you can add those people to your 1st Money org and never have to pay for their tax filing, because it's not being used.

"Is the Pension Filing optional?"

Yes, our Pension Filing service is also optional.

In addition to the contractors, advisors, external accountants, dormant employees, and unpaid interns already mentioned, there are also employees who opt out of pensions.

For all those people, you'll never have to pay for their pension filing if it's not being used.

"How do I stay on FREE+?"

Our FREE+ product keeps things free for smaller companies that have less than 10 people and don't use any of our ULTRA features.

To count the average number of people you've got, we cycle through each day of the month. We automatically count how many people you've got on each day, and then get the average for the whole month.

If the average isn't more than 9 people, you'll pay nothing for that month. It's still free, even if you use our Tax Filing service for any, or all of those 9 people.

"How do I move to PRO?"

There's two things that have to happen for your org to be moved to the PRO plan.

First, you've got to have at least 10 or more people, on average, in your org for the whole month.

And second, at least one of those people has to have used our Tax Filing service at some point during the month.

If both those things happen we'll email you after the end of the month. In the email we'll let you know that you've been automatically moved to the PRO plan, and include all the details.

"What's the PRO minimum?"

Once your org's been moved to the PRO plan, your billing changes. You'll be billed based on how many of your people used our Tax Filing service during the month.

Our minimum PRO billing is for 10 people. If your number of usage people is less than 10, we'll round it up to 10 people. However, if not even one of your people used our Tax Filing service during the month, then that month's free.

Which means that if your company goes dormant, you won't receive a bill from us. You could go dormant for months, or even years at a time, and your data's still safe.

"What's your refund policy?"

If you ever get a bill that you feel's incorrect, please get in touch.

We're always trying to improve, and are happy to go through the bill together with you. We'll issue a refund to you, if we ever got it wrong.

"How do I move to ULTRA?"

The ULTRA plan is only for orgs that use our Pension Filing or CIS services.

If we detect that any of your people use our ULTRA services during the month, we'll automatically move them to the ULTRA plan for that month. If any person ever stops using our ULTRA services, we'll automatically move them back out again.

In other words, we'll never bill you for the ULTRA plan if you're not using it.

"What's the ULTRA minimum?"

Similar to the PRO plan, you'll be billed based on how many of your people used our ULTRA services during the month.

Our minimum ULTRA billing is for 5 people. If your number of usage people is less than 5, we'll round it up to 5 people.

However, if not even one of your people used our ULTRA services during the month, then there'll be no ULTRA bill for that month.

Also, no person's ever billed for both ULTRA and PRO. It's only ever one or the other.

Plus, for larger orgs, we'll always automatically calculate which combination of the ULTRA and PRO plans would give you the lowest overall monthly bill.

"What's CIS?"

CIS is a specific HMRC payroll tax for builders, subcontractors, or other contractors in the construction industry.

If you're not in the construction industry you won't ever need CIS.

"Any hidden costs?"

There's no other hidden costs. We don't charge any setup costs, and you can use our free customer service as much as you need, also at no cost.

Like other payroll companies, our prices don't include VAT, so you'll likely need to add that on top.

However you won't need to pay any VAT to us. You can instead get your accountant to reverse charge it directly to HMRC.

"How do I pay?"

As all of our billing is usage based, we'll invoice you, by email, after the last day of each month.

In the email you'll see a clear breakdown of your bill for that month. Once you've set up your payment card, we'll automatically settle the payment for you each month.

Again, if you ever get a bill that you feel's incorrect, or have any other questions, get in touch with us.

We're always happy to help.

Updated: Fri, 31 May 2024.

© 2020–2024 1st Money UK Holdings Ltd. All rights reserved.