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Time Off

Requesting time off5:18
Requesting time off
Approving & declining time off3:41
Approving & declining time off
Resubmitting time offs1:04
Resubmitting time offs
The "Time off" list3:56
The "Time off" list
PTO top up3:46
PTO top up
Auto adding holiday PTO3:44
Auto adding holiday PTO
Adding & removing holidays3:25
Adding & removing holidays
Changing pay batch holidays2:50
Changing pay batch holidays
Declining & deleting time offs4:02
Declining & deleting time offs
PTO settlement at termination5:50
PTO settlement at termination
Unpaid time off when salaried2:40
Unpaid time off when salaried
The "Time off totals" report1:45
The "Time off totals" report
Time off: switching platforms5:38
Time off: switching platforms
Year's starting allowance hours4:08
Year's starting allowance hours
Paid time off settings7:23
Paid time off settings
PTO top-ups3:41
PTO top-ups
16 videos, with a playing time of 1 hour (total of 62 minutes)


Requesting time off5:28

"How do I request time off for myself?"

Requesting time off is the first step in getting your time off approved.

To request some time off for yourself:

  1. First, tap: "Request time off"
  2. Once it slides out on the right, select the date you'd like to take off.
  3. By default, it's set to a "Paid" time off request.
  4. To change it from "Paid" to "Unpaid" tap it.
  5. However, for salaried employees, time off is usually only ever "Paid", so the "Unpaid" option may be disabled.
  6. But hourly employees always get both the "Paid" and "Unpaid" options.
  7. Next, by default, your request's set to a "One day, whole day" time off.
  8. To request "Only a few hours" or "Multiple days", tap "Duration" and change it.
  9. If requesting "Only a few hours"
    Drag the sliders to the exact start and end times of the day you'd like to request off. To the nearest 30 minutes.
  10. Below, you'll see notes on your "PTO balance available" hours, both before, and after your request.
  11. If requesting "Multiple days"
    You'll be prompted to also add the date of the time off's last day.
  12. Again, you'll see your remaining hours, both before, and after your request.
  13. Next, you'll need to enter the reason for your time off request.
  14. You can type your reason directly, if you want, but most people select from the list.
  15. Near the bottom, you'll see your manager's name listed as the person who'll be asked to approve your time off request.
  16. Once everything's all set, tap: Send request
  17. And finally, in the background, an email's been sent to your manager to approve your time off.

To see your recently requested time off, waiting for approval:

  1. First, open yourself on: "Menu", then "Me"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  3. You'll see your recently requested time off marked as: "Waiting" (for approval by your manager)
  4. You'll also see your approved time offs, with a green tick.
  5. And finally, you'll see your total "PTO balance available" by year-end.

To see your time off email, once it's approved:

  1. First, once your manager's approved your time off, you'll get an email.
  2. From the email, tap: See time off
  3. And finally, you'll see the green tick showing that your time off's been approved.

To see all five safeguards that guide your time off requests:

  1. First, tap: "Request time off"
  2. Once it slides out on the right, select the date you'd like to take off.
  3. Non-working days:
    If you select a non-working day, which for most people is a Saturday or Sunday, you'll be warned to: "Try another date"
  4. Already approved days:
    If you select a day that's already been approved as time off, you'll be warned to: "Try another date"
  5. Requests that go over the end of a pay period:
    If you request paid time off that goes over the end of a pay period (shown by the grey line), you'll be warned that the: ""Last day" can't go over the end of the pay period"
  6. When you get that warning, tap Fix, and it automatically sets the "Last day" of your request to the last day in the pay period.
  7. But please note, after sending that first request, you'll then need to also send a second request for the remaining days of your intended time off.
  8. Requesting more than your "PTO balance available":
    If you request more paid time off than's in your "PTO balance available", you'll be warned that you're over.
  9. If you close the warning, and scroll down, you'll see the days, in red, that are over your: "PTO balance available"
  10. And above those, you'll see the last date, in blue, that's an allowable: "Last day"
  11. Now, if you scroll up, and set it to that "Last day", the warning goes away, and you're back inside your: "PTO balance available"
  12. Requesting time off when there's planned times:
    If you request time off on days that a timesheet's got planned times, you'll be warned: "Timesheet has planned times"
  13. The warning, however, doesn't stop you from sending your request.
  14. You're free to send your request, as your manager is also shown the warning and asked to change your planned times.
  15. And finally, that's all five of the safeguards that guide your time off requests.

Keep in mind that:

  • Once approved, if you later need a time off to be changed or deleted, you can't do it yourself.
  • Instead, you'll need to ask your manager or a person with "Full org admin" permissions to do it for you.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about requesting time off for yourself!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Approving & declining time off3:41

"How do I approve or decline time off?"

When a person requests time off, you'll get an email asking you to approve it, as their manager.

To approve or decline a requested time off:

  1. First, as their manager, you'll be the one to receive time off emails from the people you manage.
  2. Approving from your email:
    If you'd like to change the request, or you're not sure if you're ready to approve it, tap the blue "Edit request" link.
  3. In those cases where you don't approve of the time off, tap: Declined
  4. In most cases, however, to approve the time off, tap: Approved
  5. Which is all you need to do to see the "Time off approved" confirmation.
  6. Also, in the background, an approval email's sent to the person.
  7. What the requesting person sees:
    When the requesting person opens their email inbox, the person sees an email letting them know that their time off has been approved.
  8. Then from the "Approved" email, the person can tap See time off to see more details.
  9. Alternatively, when it's been declined, the person sees an email letting them know that their time off hasn't been approved.
  10. Then from the declined email, the person can tap: Edit for resubmit
  11. Approving from the "Time off list":
    Another place to approve time off is on the person's: "Time off list"
  12. To see the person's "Time off list", tap: "Menu", then "People"
  13. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  14. If there's any time off that hasn't been approved, those time off rows have a yellow "Waiting for decision" circle.
  15. To approve the time off, tap the yellow circle.
  16. And then tap: Approved
  17. And finally, back on the "Time off list", you'll see the time off now has a green "Approved" circle, and an email's been sent.

To approve a requested time off on a day that's also got planned times:

  1. First, to see the person's "Time off list", tap: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  3. Any time offs that overlap planned times have an orange warning circle, saying: "Timesheet has planned times"
  4. The warning, however, doesn't stop you from approving the time off.
  5. And once it slides out on the right, near the top you'll again see a big orange warning, saying: "Time off overlaps with planned times"
  6. Then when you tap Approved, the time off's approved, and an email's sent.
  7. However, you'll again be shown a warning about the overlap, with a blue link to the planned time's timesheet.
  8. It's highly recommended to delete the planned time now, or assign it to a different person.
  9. That way, when the person takes their time off, there won't be a gap in your time planning.
  10. To delete the planned time, tap the blue timesheet link, then tap on the yellow planned time.
  11. And tap: Delete
  12. And finally, now when you update the other pages, the orange warnings have all gone away.

Keep in mind that:

  • Time offs can be approved or declined by any person with "Full org admin" permissions.
  • Time offs can also be approved or declined by the person's direct manager, even if the manager doesn't have "Full org admin" permissions.
  • Supervisors, however, can't approve or decline time offs.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about approving time off!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Resubmitting time offs1:05

"How do I resubmit a time off request, if it's declined?"

If your manager declined one of your time offs, you'll get an email letting you resubmit it.

To resubmit a declined time off:

  1. First, tap Edit for resubmit, and then Edit for resubmit again.
  2. Then scroll down, and type more notes in the box explaining why your manager might reconsider approving your time off.
  3. And when you're finished, tap: Send request
  4. Then in the background, another email's now sent to your manager, again asking them to approve your time off.
  5. Once your manager's approved your resubmitted time off, you'll get an email.
  6. From the email, tap: See time off
  7. And finally, you'll see the green tick showing that it's now been approved.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about resubmitting a time off!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

The "Time off" list3:53

"Where can I see a person's time off, all in one place?"

The "Time off" list shows you a one-page summary of all of a person's time off for a year.

To see a person's "Time off" list:

  1. First, select the person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  3. Once it's open, you'll see a list of all of the person's time off for a year.
  4. Separating the time offs is a red "Today" line.
  5. The time offs above the red "Today" line are in the future.
  6. And the time offs below the red "Today" line are in the past.
  7. Rows that start with a solid grey circle are: "Paid time off"
  8. And rows that start with an open grey circle are: "Unpaid time off"
  9. Rows that are grey, with a yellow waiting symbol, are time off requests that're waiting to be approved by the person's manager.
  10. And rows that have a green tick are time off requests that've already been approved.
  11. The name of the manager who approved the time off is shown a few columns over.
  12. And when you tap the manager's name, you'll see more details about when the time off was approved.
  13. Rows that are crossed out are time off requests that've been declined or deleted by the person's manager.
  14. Declined, deleted, and unapproved time offs don't count towards the totals.
  15. Near the top of "Time off" list are three totals, including:
  16. The total "PTO balance available" by year-end.
  17. And the total paid and unpaid time off that's been approved.
  18. By default, the "Time off" list shows the current year.
  19. To go back or forward a year, tap: Previous year and Next year (at the top)
  20. Sometimes you may see an orange circle warning you about a "planned times" overlap.
  21. Tap the orange circle, then once it slides out on the right, tap the link on the "planned times" warning.
  22. And you'll need to ask your manager or org admin to delete the "planned times" that are overlapping with a time off request.
  23. And finally, in other words, the same date, for the same person, shouldn't have both "planned times" and a time off request. One of them needs to be deleted.

You may notice:

  • That some "Paid time off" rows are labelled "Auto approved" and: "Auto added"
  • "Auto added" PTO comes from the pay batch's list of approved holidays.
  • It's an optional feature that's there to reduce the manager's workload of approving every PTO request.

To learn more:

To see a person's "Time off" chart:

  1. First, select the person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... chart"
  3. Once it's open, you'll see chart lines of all of the person's time off for a year.
  4. The chart starts in January, goes through to December, and the red "Today" line shows you how far through the year you are.
  5. Sometimes the solid orange "Paid time off approved" line's below the dotted orange "PTO allowance" line. If so, then the person's still got: "PTO balance available"
  6. The solid grey "Unpaid time off approved" line gives you an idea of how much unpaid time off's been approved.
  7. And finally, to switch between the list and chart views, tap the blue circle (at the bottom), and then tap Show grid or: Show chart

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about seeing all of a person's time off in one place!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

PTO top up3:39

"What's the paid time off top up?"

The "PTO top up" is the number of hours that's added to a person's paid time off "PTO allowance" per month.

To set a person's "PTO top up":

  1. First, select the person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Next, go to their: "Pay", then "Pay settings"
  3. Then scroll down to the "Paid time off" heading.
  4. And tap: "PTO top up (per month)"
  5. In most cases, the person's "PTO top up" matches the pay batch's "PTO default days per year", after it's converted to an hours per month number.
  6. To see notes on how the pay batch's "PTO default days per year" is converted to hours per month, tap the blue "more" link.
  7. To set "PTO top up", you can either drag the slider, or type in the number of hours directly.
  8. As soon as you drag the slider, or type in the hours, you'll see the estimated "days per year" instantly update.
  9. Next, to set when the new "PTO top up" is to begin, tap "Begin new "PTO top up" on", and select the beginning date.
  10. Because PTO's topped up on the 1st of each month, only dates that are the 1st of each month can be selected.
  11. You can opt to schedule the new "PTO top up" to begin months into the future. But the earliest you can select is the 1st of next month.
  12. And when you're ready, tap: Save
  13. And you'll now see the new "PTO top up" hours are scheduled to begin on the 1st of the month you selected.
  14. Once the first "PTO top up" is scheduled, if you want to optionally schedule a second, tap the blue "Add another" link.
  15. And once you've set the second "PTO top up" hours and begin date, tap: Save
  16. And you'll now see the second "PTO top up" hours also scheduled.
  17. You can add as many scheduled "PTO top up" hours as you need, up to 24 months into the future.
  18. Or to delete one, tap its blue link, and tap: Delete
  19. And finally, the second is instantly removed, and you're only left with the first.

You may notice:

  • That every person's "PTO top up" is set as an hours per month amount.
  • However, not everyone has their "PTO top up" actually added to their "PTO allowance" on the 1st of each month.
  • Some people can be set to receive 12 months worth of "PTO top up" on the first day of each year, on January 1st.
  • To learn more about when each person's "PTO top up" is added to their "PTO allowance", watch the video on: PTO top-ups

Keep in mind that:

  • The "PTO top up" setting only shows for people whose "Employment type" is "Employee" or: "Zero-hour worker"
  • To check the "Employment type" of the person, scroll up to the "Pay settings" heading.
  • And tap: "Employment type" (at the top)
  • You'll see that the employment types are all listed as "No" for "Paid time off", except for "Employee" and: "Zero-hour worker"

For advanced usage:

  • If you need a number bigger than the slider can be dragged to, type into the number directly.
  • The maximum it can handle is "200" hours per month, which is about 300 days per year.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about how to set a person's "PTO top up"!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Auto adding holiday PTO3:48

"How can my pay batch holidays be auto added as PTO for my employees?"

Most people send a PTO request to their manager for the specific days that're needed as time off. However, it'd be tedious if you also had to send a PTO request for each and every pay batch holiday as well. The pay batch's "PTO on pay batch holidays" setting allows your pay batch's employees to have all pay batch holidays auto added and approved as PTO. All, without needing requests or approvals.

To set a pay batch's "PTO on pay batch holidays":

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. Next, scroll down to the "Advanced" heading, and tap: "PTO on pay batch holidays"
  4. If you select "Yes", it adds all your pay batch holidays to all the pay batch's employees, and automatically approves them as approved paid time off.
  5. To see a full list of your country's current paid time off dates, tap the blue "Pay batch holidays" link.
  6. And once it slides out on the right, if it's not the right set of holidays, tap the flag (at the top).
  7. Then select the one you want, and save it.
  8. Now that the pay batch's holidays have been changed, every employee in the pay batch instantly gets updated with their new holidays.
  9. To see the change of holidays, select an employee who's in that pay batch, on: "Menu", then "People"
  10. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  11. And you'll see that the pay batch's employees now also have the holidays that're unique to your newly selected holiday set.
  12. You'll also see that some have PTO that's already been paid through a paid payslip, and are marked as: "Locked"
  13. And for those that haven't been paid yet, you can clearly see them marked as: "Auto added"
  14. If you instead opt to not have them auto added, tap the blue "Auto added" link, and select: "No"
  15. All the "Auto added" pay batch holiday PTO is now instantly removed from the list.
  16. However, the previously auto added PTO, that's already been paid and locked, stays unchanged.
  17. Also keep in mind that the "PTO on pay batch holidays" setting applies to everyone in the pay batch, and not only the current person.
  18. And finally, it's recommended to keep it set to: "Yes"

Keep in mind that:

  • Not everyone is entitled to paid holidays.
  • If you tap: "Pay", then "Pay settings"
  • And open "Employment type" (at the top) you'll see that some types of employment are marked with "No" if "Paid time off" isn't included.

Also remember that:

  • In some cases you may actually need to work on an already approved pay batch holiday. If so, ask your manager to delete the auto approved time off.
  • Once the time off's deleted, that day returns back to a normal day worked.
  • But be sure to have it deleted before payday, because once it's paid, it's locked, and can't be deleted anymore.

You may notice:

  • Each year, the default holidays are carefully updated and checked by 1st Money.
  • However, you can still make your own changes.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about having all pay batch holidays auto added as PTO!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Adding & removing holidays3:34

"How do I add to, or remove from, the pay batch's holidays?"

Each year, the default holidays are carefully updated and checked by 1st Money. However, sometimes you may still want to add or remove your own holiday dates.

To add your own holiday dates to a pay batch's holidays:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Pay batch holidays"
  3. Next, scroll down to the "Holidays to add" heading.
  4. And copy one line of the example text below the box, and paste it into the box.
  5. Next, change the example text, so it's set to the holiday you'd like to add. The date is always in year, month, day format.
  6. Then tap: Save
  7. Now when you scroll back up, you'll see the holiday you added is showing in the list.
  8. To add another holiday, scroll back down and type in the next holiday.
  9. Again, after you tap Save and scroll back up, you'll now see both holidays listed.
  10. To see how the added holidays look to your people, select an employee on: "Menu", then "People"
  11. Then tap: "Time off", then "Holidays"
  12. And finally, you'll again see both holidays are now added for the employee as well.

To remove holiday dates from a pay batch's holidays:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Pay batch holidays"
  3. And select the "year, month, day" date of the holiday you'd like to remove.
  4. Then scroll down to the "Holidays to remove" heading, and paste it into the box.
  5. Then tap: Save
  6. Now when you scroll back up, you'll see that the holiday is no longer showing in the list.
  7. To remove another holiday, select another "year, month, day" date.
  8. Again, scroll down to the "Holidays to remove" heading, and paste it into the box, but on a new line.
  9. Again, after you tap Save and scroll back up, you'll now see both holidays have been removed.
  10. To see how the removed holidays look to your people, select an employee on: "Menu", then "People"
  11. Then tap: "Time off", then "Holidays"
  12. And finally, you'll again see both holidays are now removed for the employee as well.

You may notice:

  • That as long as each added or removed holiday is on a different line, you can add as many as you want.

Keep in mind that:

  • Sometimes there may be a listing holidays that already has exactly the holidays you want.
  • In which case, all you need to do is change over to the other holiday listing.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about adding or removing your own holiday dates!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Changing pay batch holidays2:52

"How do I change the holiday dates for everyone in a pay batch?"

All employees in a pay batch observe the same holiday dates. However, you can always change which dates the pay batch uses as its list of pay batch holidays.

To change a pay batch's holidays:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Pay batch holidays"
  3. By default, the selected holidays default to the most commonly used holidays for that pay batch's country or state.
  4. However, there may be an alternative list of holidays that're more suitable.
  5. To see the alternative holidays, tap "Pay batch holidays", and select the one you want.
  6. Once it automatically reloads, you'll see the new holidays listed. Perhaps with some holidays that're unique to the new holiday list.
  7. Once you're happy with your selection, tap: Save
  8. Now that the pay batch holidays have been changed, every employee in the pay batch instantly gets updated to have the new holidays.
  9. To see the change in holidays, select an employee on: "Menu", then "People"
  10. Then tap: "Time off", then "Holidays"
  11. And you'll see that each of the pay batch's employees now have the new holidays.
  12. However, be advised that not everyone is entitled to: "Paid time off"
  13. If you tap: "Pay", then "Pay settings"
  14. And open "Employment type" (at the top) you'll see that some types of employment are marked with "No" for: "Paid time off"
  15. When you select one of the "No" paid time off employment types.
  16. And then tap back to: "Time off", then "Holidays"
  17. You'll see that the person no longer has any pay batch holidays listed.
  18. And finally, you'll also see a button suggesting to convert the person back to an employee. In which case, the person would get pay batch holidays again.

Keep in mind that:

  • Changing the "Pay batch holidays" setting only affects which days are considered as "Paid time off" or PTO.
  • The "Pay batch holidays" setting doesn't affect an employee's tax calculations or paydays in any other way.

For advanced usage:

  • Sometimes you may have some employees who need different holidays to your other employees.
  • The only way to have different holidays is to put your other employees into a different pay batch.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about changing a pay batch's holidays!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Declining & deleting time offs4:01

"How do I decline, delete, or undelete a time off?"

In 1st Money, declining and deleting a time off mean the same thing. In other words, whenever a time off's declined, really it's only deleted.

To decline or delete a time off from a person's "Time off" list:

  1. First, select the person you'd like to delete a time off for, on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  3. Once it's open, you'll see a list of all of the person's time off for a year.
  4. When you hover your mouse over any time off row, on the far left, you'll see a rubbish bin button.
  5. Tap the rubbish bin button, and then tap: Yes ... delete
  6. You'll now see the deleted time off marked as "Declined", both on the side, and in the list.
  7. You'll also see the name and date of the person who deleted it.
  8. And because it was a: "Paid time off"
  9. You'll also notice that the "PTO balance available" has correctly increased by 8 hours, now that an 8 hour "Paid time off" has been deleted.
  10. There are some time offs, however, that can't be deleted.
  11. Once a payslip's filed, all of the time offs covered by the payslip are locked. And you'll see a locked symbol instead of a rubbish bin button.
  12. If you tap it, then tap "Filed", then tap "Paid by", you'll see all the details about how and when the payslip was filed.
  13. And finally, back in the list, if you want to hide the deleted time offs, tap the blue circle (at the bottom), and then tap: Hide

To decline or delete a time off from a person's timesheet:

  1. First, select the person you'd like to delete a time off for, on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap "Calendar", and tap the timesheet's date.
  3. Once the timesheet's loaded on the side, if it's got an approved time off, you'll see a note about it (at the top).
  4. Tap the "time off" link, and change the "Approved" to: "Declined"
  5. Then tap: Save
  6. Now that it's declined, you'll see that the time off's also been deleted.
  7. And back on the timesheet, you'll now see that the time off's no longer mentioned.
  8. Then to see that it's also deleted on the person's time off list, tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  9. And finally, you'll see that the time off's listed as: "Declined"

To undelete a time off:

  1. First, select the person you'd like to undelete a time off for, on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  3. Once it's open, you'll see a list of all of the person's time offs, including some which have been deleted.
  4. On a deleted time off, tap the rubbish bin button, and then tap: Undelete
  5. You'll see the undeleted time off is now back to "Approved", both on the side, and in the list.
  6. And finally, the "PTO balance available" has correctly gone down by 8 hours, now that an 8 hour "Paid time off" has been undeleted.

Keep in mind that:

  • Only people with "Full org admin" permissions, or the person's direct manager, can decline, delete, or undelete a time off.
  • Everybody can always see their own time off list, but can't make changes unless the person themselves has "Full org admin" permissions.
  • And remember that all deletes and undeletes are always permanently recorded in: "History"
  • That means any admin can always look back in time, and see who did any delete, and when the delete was done.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about declining, deleting, and undeleting a time off!

Updated: Tue, 18 Jun 2024.

PTO settlement at termination5:53

"How do I settle their "PTO balance available" when a person leaves"

In most cases, when a person leaves, their "PTO balance available" needs to be settled back to zero. Sometimes, if not enough PTO's been approved, a payout needs to be added to their final payslip. Other times, if too much PTO's been approved, some pay needs to be reclaimed from their final payslip.

To see how a leaving person's "PTO balance available" is settled back to zero, if not enough PTO's been approved:

  1. First, select the leaving person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "HR", then "Dismiss"
  3. And select the reason that the person's leaving.
  4. To see the "PTO balance available" estimate:
    Tap: See all tasks
  5. Then tap the "PTO" task to expand it.
  6. You'll now see an estimate of the leaving person's current: "PTO balance available"
  7. If you tap on the blue link, you'll see how the "PTO balance available" is calculated.
  8. Sometimes the solid "Paid time off approved" line's below the dotted "PTO allowance" line. If so, then the leaving person's still got "PTO balance available". Which means that a payout is to be added to their final payslip.
  9. Also note that the leaving person's "PTO balance available" could still change between now and their final pay.
  10. Once you're happy with all the tasks, tap Continue, and then: Yes ... do it
  11. Sending the dismissal doc:
    A dismissal doc is prepared in the foreground.
  12. If you scroll down the dismissal doc, you'll see a paragraph about paid time off.
  13. To send the dismissal doc, tap Request "Got it", then Yes ... request "Got it", and then: Close
  14. Seeing the "PTO settlement" on their final payslip:
    Now, on "Recorded events" tap the dismissal, to expand it.
  15. You'll see that the doc's been sent.
  16. And to see a preview of their final payslip, tap on the "Final payslip" row.
  17. And finally, you'll see the "PTO settlement" amount, in both hours and money, that's to be automatically added to their final payslip.

Keep in mind that:

  • Until the person's last working day, and their final payslip's actually paid, the "PTO settlement" amount may still change.
  • Depending on when, and how many more days off the leaving person takes between now and then.

To see how a leaving person's "PTO balance available" is settled back to zero, if too much PTO's been approved:

  1. First, select the leaving person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "HR", then "Dismiss"
  3. And select the reason that the person's leaving.
  4. To see the "PTO balance available" estimate:
    Tap: See all tasks
  5. Then tap the "PTO" task to expand it.
  6. You'll now see an estimate of the leaving person's current: "PTO balance available"
  7. If you tap on the blue link, you'll see how the "PTO balance available" is calculated.
  8. Sometimes the solid "Paid time off approved" line's above the dotted "PTO allowance" line. If so, then the leaving person's had approved more PTO than their "PTO allowance" (as of their last day). Which means that some pay is to be reclaimed from their final payslip.
  9. Also note that the leaving person's "PTO balance available" could still change between now and their final pay.
  10. Once you're happy with all the tasks, tap Continue, and then: Yes ... do it
  11. Sending the dismissal doc:
    A dismissal doc is prepared in the foreground.
  12. If you scroll down the dismissal doc, you'll see a paragraph about paid time off.
  13. To send the dismissal doc, tap Request "Got it", then Yes ... request "Got it", and then: Close
  14. Seeing the "PTO settlement" on their final payslip:
    Now, on "Recorded events" tap the dismissal, to expand it.
  15. You'll see that the doc's been sent.
  16. And to see a preview of their final payslip, tap on the "Final payslip" row.
  17. And finally, you'll see the "PTO settlement" amount, in both hours and money, that's to be automatically reclaimed from their final payslip.

You may notice:

  • That in some cases, the amount of PTO to be reclaimed may exceed the leaving person's total final payslip earnings.
  • When it exceeds total earnings, the "PTO settlement" is capped.
  • Which means the leaving person gets zero "Net pay" on their final payslip.
  • With the amount of "Unreclaimable PTO" listed below, as a reference only.
  • And when you hover your mouse over the "Unreclaimable PTO" amount, you'll see a full breakdown of the calculations.

For advanced usage:

  • Depending on how you've worded your employment agreements, the "Unreclaimable PTO" amount may or may not be recoverable.
  • It's highly recommended to take independent legal advice before attempting to reclaim it, as it's not something that 1st Money can do.
  • If you find that "Unreclaimable PTO" is becoming a frequent problem, you could consider moving all your people to month-by-month top-ups.

To learn more:

  • About month-by-month top-ups, watch the video on: PTO top-ups

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about how a person's "PTO balance available" is automatically settled on their final payslip!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Unpaid time off when salaried2:39

"How do I turn on unpaid time off for my salaried people?"

Normally, salaried people only get "Paid time off", and "Unpaid time off" requests are normally disabled. If unpaid time offs were turned on for salaried people, it'd result in a pay reduction for each "Unpaid time off". Which goes against the norm of salaries being the same fixed amount each payday.

However, sometimes you may still want the flexibility of offering "Unpaid time off" for your salaried people. In which case, salaried people's pay isn't to be protected from the pay reduction of each unpaid time off.

To turn off a pay batch's "Protect salaried people's pay" setting:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. Next, scroll down to the "Advanced" heading, and tap: "Protect salaried people's pay"
  4. If you keep it set to "Yes", your salaried people continue to have "Paid time off", but can't request: "Unpaid time off"
  5. In which case, when a salaried person in the pay batch requests "Unpaid time off", there's a note explaining that it's disabled.
  6. If you change it to "No", your salaried people can now request both paid and unpaid time off, the same as hourly paid workers.
  7. However, your salaried people are now going to have a resulting pay reduction of each: "Unpaid time off"
  8. So it's advised to have the option for "Unpaid time off" included in each salaried person's contract.
  9. Then tap: Save
  10. Now when a salaried person in the pay batch requests "Unpaid time off", it's no longer disabled.
  11. To see the "Unpaid time off", go to the person's time off list, and you'll see it marked as: "Unpaid"
  12. And finally, near the top of the list, you'll see the person's total "Unpaid time off" for the year, so far.

Keep in mind that:

  • Non-salaried people, like hourly paid workers, are unaffected by the "Protect salaried people's pay" setting.
  • All hourly paid workers can always request both paid and unpaid time off.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about turning on "Unpaid time off" for your salaried people!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

The "Time off totals" report1:47

"How do I use the "Time off totals" report?"

The "Time off totals" report shows you a one-page summary of all the time off for your people in a pay batch.

To see a pay batch's "Time off totals" report:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off totals"
  3. Once it's open, you'll see a list of people.
  4. With info about each person, like their:
  5. "Date joined"
  6. "Rate amount"
  7. The total allowance of PTO each person's got for the year.
  8. The number of months worth of PTO each person's got for the year.
  9. How much additional PTO each person gets topped up with per month.
  10. When each person gets their: "PTO top up (per month)"
  11. How much PTO each person carried over from the previous year.
  12. How much unpaid and paid time off each person's taken so far in the current year.
  13. And how much PTO balance each person's got remaining.
  14. By default, the "Time off totals" report shows the current year.
  15. To go back or forward a year, tap: Previous year and Next year (at the top)
  16. To update something about a person from the "Time off totals" report:
    tap the cell you want to change.
  17. Once it slides out on the right, make your change.
  18. Then tap: Save
  19. And finally, you'll now see that the "Time off totals" report's automatically updated, as you save each change.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about using "Time off totals" reports!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Time off: switching platforms5:40

"How is time off set when switching from a previous payroll platform?"

When you're switching from a previous payroll platform, over to 1st Money, you'll need to set each person's time off settings correctly.

To set a person's time off, when switching over to 1st Money:

  1. First, to add the person, tap: "Menu", "People", then "Invite a person"
  2. Then tap: Add a new person
  3. Enter the person's email, then tap: Invite
  4. Next, fill in the person's name.
  5. When setting their employment type, keep in mind that only "Employee" and "Zero-hour worker" get paid time off.
  6. Then tap: Next
  7. Normally, you'll fill in all the steps, but for now, you can skip most steps and only do the steps needed by time off.
  8. Date joined:
    Near the top, tap: "Job", and set "Date joined" to the date the person joined your company.
  9. Then tap: Next
  10. Target hours:
    (at the bottom) tap Next until you reach the "Pay" heading.
  11. Then tap: "Target hours per week"
  12. It's important that you set both their target hours, and also which days of the week the person usually works.
  13. In most cases, if it's Monday to Friday, 8 hours a day, select the "Most common" option.
  14. However, if the person works different hours, or different days, tap "Part-time, or other", then tap: Next
  15. Drag the sliders until you're happy, then tap: Next
  16. Because the person's "Date joined" was some time ago, you're now shown the full PTO options.
  17. PTO top up hours:
    The person's "PTO top up" hours, per month, are whatever the person had in the previous payroll platform.
  18. If you're matching a "days per year" number, drag the slider until the "days per year" settles on the number you're looking for.
  19. Begin new "PTO top up" on:
    Next, set the date that their new "PTO top up" is to begin from.
  20. In 1st Money, PTO is always topped up on the 1st of the month.
  21. So you'll have the choice to begin their top ups on the 1st of the current month.
  22. Or the 1st of next month.
  23. Whichever date you select, the "begin" date is when the person gets their first "PTO top up" in 1st Money, and then every month thereafter.
  24. Year's starting allowance hours:
    Next, set the starting allowance that the person's to have.
  25. When switching payroll platforms, the starting allowance is their "Unused PTO" hours from your previous payroll platform.
  26. It may help to make a spreadsheet, and calculate, as of the "begin" date, above.
  27. How much PTO was carried over (at the start of the year)?
  28. How much has been granted, up to the "begin" date?
  29. How much has been taken, up to the "begin" date?
  30. And, how much "Unused PTO" remains?
  31. Once you've calculated their "Unused PTO", drag the slider to set it, then tap: Next
  32. Using negative hours:
    In some cases, the person may have gone over their allowance in the previous payroll platform.
  33. Or in other words, their "Unused PTO" is a negative number of hours.
  34. If so, tap "Use neg. hrs" and type in the negative number of hours.
  35. Time off totals:
    At any time, to see if the person's settings roughly match other people, tap: See on "Time off totals"
  36. Once it slides out on the right, you'll see the current person, highlighted in yellow. And you can compare their PTO to your other people.
  37. You'll see a column with the PTO months that remain in the year, after the "begin" date.
  38. You'll see a column with the "PTO top up" that's being granted each month.
  39. You'll see a column with the PTO that's already been approved.
  40. Which, if you've recently added them, is usually from their "Auto added" pay batch holidays. But you can tap it, and see the details, if you're not sure.
  41. You'll see a column with their individual starting allowances.
  42. And finally, you'll notice how their starting allowances affect their: "PTO balance available"

Keep in mind that:

  • If you've used "Import people" to add your people, the import data in the XML file, as instructed by HMRC, doesn't include time off.
  • Which means you'll still need to set up each person's time off, one-by-one, using the steps above.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about setting a person's time off when switching over to 1st Money!

Updated: Fri, 28 Jun 2024.

Year's starting allowance hours4:05

"What's the "Year's starting allowance hours" for in time off?"

Setting the time off "Year's starting allowance hours" lets you grant additional hours of paid time off to a person for the current year.

To set a person's "Year's starting allowance hours":

  1. First, select the person on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Next, go to their: "Pay", then "Pay settings"
  3. Then scroll down to the "Paid time off" heading.
  4. And you'll see the person's current "Year's starting allowance hours" as a slider.
  5. To change the person's "Year's starting allowance hours", drag the blue slider.
  6. You'll see that as you drag the slider, both the hours, and days numbers are updated.
  7. To see the person's current "PTO balance available" before saving, tap: "Time off", then "Time off ... list"
  8. And you'll see the currently available hours and days.
  9. Next, tap Save, then tap the Time off ... list tab on the side to open it again.
  10. Then once it slides out on the right, tap the three dots: (in the top-right corner), and tap: Reload
  11. And finally, you'll see both the hours and days available have instantly updated to include the new: "Year's starting allowance hours"

There's two situations where you may want to have a time off starting allowance.

The first, and most common, is when you've allowed your people to carry over their "Unused PTO" from the previous year:

  • Normally the slider's kept empty for new employees.
  • However, for existing employees, it's the place that shows how many "Unused PTO" hours, from last year, were automatically carried over (on the 1st of January).
  • To see the pay batch's current setting for the maximum number of "Unused PTO" carry over days, see the "carry over" note below the slider.
  • If it says "zero", your people need to take all their "Unused PTO" before the end of the year, or their "Unused PTO" is lost, as nothing's carried over.
  • If you've got at least "View payroll admin" permissions, you can tap the blue link to see the pay batch's "carry over" setting.
  • To learn more about "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end", watch the video on: Paid time off settings

The second situation where you may want to set "Year's starting allowance hours" is when you're switching payroll platforms mid-year:

  • Or, in other words, when you're switching your existing people from a previous payroll platform, over to 1st Money, part way through the year.
  • In which case, you'll need to look-up how many "Unused PTO" hours each person's got on the previous payroll platform, as of the day you switch.
  • And then use each person's "Year's starting allowance hours" slider to enter their "Unused PTO" hours, one person at a time.
  • To learn more about how to set people's time off when you're switching payroll platforms mid-year, including when to set a negative "Year's starting allowance hours", watch the video on: Time off: switching platforms

Keep in mind that:

  • The "Year's starting allowance hours" setting only shows for people whose "Employment type" is "Employee" or: "Zero-hour worker"
  • To check the "Employment type" of the person, scroll up to the "Pay settings" heading.
  • And tap: "Employment type" (at the top)
  • You'll see that the employment types are all listed as "No" for "Paid time off", except for "Employee" and: "Zero-hour worker"

For advanced usage:

  • The "Year's starting allowance hours" is optional, and in most cases can be kept empty.
  • However, if you need a precise number of hours, or need a number bigger than the slider can be dragged to, type into the number directly.
  • The maximum it can handle is "999" hours, which is about 125 days.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about "Year's starting allowance hours" for time off!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

Paid time off settings7:20

"What are the pay batch paid time off settings?"

The pay batch's paid time off settings manage how PTO's applied to all the pay batch's employees. Including if PTO's limited or unlimited, the pay batch's "PTO default days per year", and: "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end"

To set if PTO's limited or unlimited:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. If you set it to "Unlimited PTO" you'll see many of the other settings disappear, including settings like the "PTO default days per year" and the: "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end"
  4. "Unlimited PTO":
    Isn't very common, but it's very straightforward to understand.
  5. With "Unlimited PTO", employees still need to request time off, and have it approved by their manager.
  6. However, as long as the manager approves a requested PTO, 1st Money won't enforce any other time limits on how much PTO an employee can take.
  7. That gives you the advantage of fully tracked PTO requests and approvals, whilst still allowing each manager 100% flexibility to every employee's individual needs.
  8. "Limited PTO":
    On the other hand, is much more common.
  9. But has more settings to understand.
  10. And finally, if you've decided on "Limited PTO", you'll next need to set how many days the limit is, in: "PTO default days per year"

To set a pay batch's "PTO default days per year":

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. Keep in mind that the pay batch's "PTO default days per year" only shows if you've selected the "Limited PTO" option.
  4. With "Limited PTO", you first have to select the default number of days PTO, per year, that you're going to limit the pay batch's new employees to.
  5. You can either drag the slider, or type in the number of days directly, and then tap: Save
  6. Now when you create a new person.
  7. And put that person into the pay batch that you've recently set the "PTO default days per year" for.
  8. And then jump to the "Time off" step (at the top).
  9. You'll see that each new person that you add to the pay batch automatically gets your suggested: "PTO default days per year"
  10. To understand how the PTO's "days per year" converts to "hrs per mth", tap the blue "more" link, and you'll see a detailed explanation.
  11. And finally, if you want any new person to have their own PTO "hrs per mth", drag the slider, or type in the number directly, and then tap: Next

To set a pay batch's "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end":

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. Keep in mind that the pay batch's "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end" only shows if you've selected the "Limited PTO" option.
  4. The carry over setting allows you to decide how many "Unused PTO" days each employee can hold on to, at year-end.
  5. The carried over "Unused PTO" days are then added to the employee's following year's: "PTO allowance"
  6. For example, if you set it to "0.00", each employee needs to use up all their "PTO balance available" by year-end (or it's lost).
  7. You can either drag the slider, or type in the number of days directly.
  8. However, there may be a common maximum number of days set by the government.
  9. But you can override the common maximum by typing the number in directly.
  10. And finally, once you've set the pay batch's "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end", tap: Save

For advanced usage:

  • In the UK, the government encourages people to take their PTO allowance each year, rather than carrying it over.
  • So it doesn't require the "max. carry over" days to be greater than zero.
  • That means, unless it's otherwise written into an agreement, you can set the "max. carry over" days to zero.
  • The government has, however, stated that: "If a worker gets 28 days' leave, the worker can carry over a maximum of 8 days."
  • So only set the "max. carry over" days above 8 if you're sure that all the pay batch's workers are getting more than the usual 28 days' leave.
  • To learn more, see HMRC's page on: Holiday entitlement

To see each person's actual "PTO balance available":

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off totals"
  3. And scroll across to the "PTO balance available" column on the far right.
  4. When you hover your mouse over any row, you'll see that person's "PTO balance available", as an estimate of what's available.
  5. And when you tap it, you'll see an even more detailed breakdown of all their PTO that contributed to their year's total.
  6. Ideally, by the end of the last day in December, each person would want their "PTO balance available" days to be less than the "PTO max. days that're carried over at year-end" that you've recently set.
  7. And finally, any "PTO balance available" that's not used, is automatically discarded.

You may notice:

  • That all "PTO balance available" is always calculated over a January to December year.
  • That means that all "PTO balance available" is automatically reset, and balances are carried over, where possible, on the 1st of January each year.

Keep in mind that:

  • Not every "Employment type" qualifies for PTO.
  • PTO only applies to people whose "Employment type" is "Employee" or: "Zero-hour worker"
  • To check the "Employment type" of the pay batch's people, tap: "Settings", then "Pay batch settings"
  • And scroll down to the "People in" heading.
  • Tap a person that's listed in the pay batch.
  • And once it slides out on the right, tap: "Employment type" (at the top)
  • You'll see that the employment types are all listed as "No" for "Paid time off", except for "Employee" and: "Zero-hour worker"

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about a pay batch's paid time off settings!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

PTO top-ups3:35

"When's each person's PTO topped up?"

Each employer can select between three options for when their people's "PTO balance available" is automatically topped up.

To set when your people's "PTO balance available" is automatically topped up:

  1. First, select the pay batch on: "Menu", then "Pay batches"
  2. Then tap: "Time off", then "Time off settings"
  3. Keep in mind that the pay batch's "Do "PTO top up" on" option only shows if you've selected the "Limited PTO" option.
  4. Next, scroll down to the "Advanced" heading, and tap: "Do "PTO top up" on"
  5. The "Always "Full-year" top up" option:
    Is the most generous option, where each existing person gets 12 months worth of yearly "PTO top up" every January 1st.
  6. And newly hired people also get a yearly "PTO top up", on their first day. The yearly "PTO top up" covers whatever months remain, from their join date, right through until December 31st.
  7. The disadvantage, however, is that any new hire that joins in January now has 12 months of "PTO balance available" that can immediately be approved.
  8. In other words, the new hire could've been employed by you for only one month, but could've had 12 months worth of PTO approved.
  9. Some people call it "allowing a negative PTO balance", which isn't recommended for new hires.
  10. The "Always "Mth-by-mth" top up" option:
    Is the strictest option, where every person, including new hires and existing employees, all only get their "PTO top up" added one-month at a time.
  11. Each monthly "PTO top up" is always auto added on the 1st of every month.
  12. The disadvantage, however, is that sometimes you may want to offer your existing people more flexibility.
  13. You may have people, who've gained your trust by working for more than 12 months. You may want them to be free to consume their future top-ups earlier in the year.
  14. For example, the trusted employee may want to take two weeks off in the middle of the year, or when the weather's nice. The trusted employee would then take less time off when it's the end of the year.
  15. The lack of flexibility of month-by-month top-ups isn't recommended for your trusted existing employees.
  16. The ""Mth-by-mth", then "Full-year" after 12 mths" option:
    Is the most common option.
  17. It gives you the strictness of month-by-month top-ups during each person's first 12 months.
  18. Then as soon as the person hits their 12-month anniversary, it automatically switches them to a yearly "PTO top up". The yearly "PTO top up" would be for whatever months remain in the year, until December 31st.
  19. And from then on, the person continues to receive a 12-month yearly "PTO top up" every January 1st.
  20. And finally, many employers find ""Mth-by-mth", then "Full-year" after 12 mths" to be the "Goldilocks" option. Not too generous, and not too strict.

Keep in mind that:

  • No matter which option you select, when a person's employment's ending, 1st Money always does its best to reclaim any outstanding: "PTO balance available"
  • Where possible, outstanding PTO balances are automatically reclaimed during the calculation of a person's final pay.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about all three options for when each person's PTO is topped up!

Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024.

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