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How do I send a person's agreement doc?

Agreement doc3:35

"How do I send a person's agreement doc?"

The agreement doc, while optional, helps you to record, in writing, the terms of work between the company and the person.

To send an agreement doc to a person for signing:

  1. First, select the person who you're sending the agreement doc to, on: "Menu", then "People"
  2. Then tap: "Docs", then "Agreement"
  3. Selecting the agreement doc:
    Now select the agreement doc that you'd like the person to sign.
  4. To see a full copy of each agreement doc, tap the "View" button: (on the side of each doc)
  5. The preview shows you exactly how the text is customised for the person.
  6. Once you've decided one, tap it, to set it as the person's agreement doc.
  7. Now that you've selected an agreement doc, you'll see the agreement start and end date boxes appear.
  8. Setting the start date's required. Set it to the date you intend the agreement to start from.
  9. In most cases, you can tap: Set to today
  10. The agreement end date's optional. In most cases, you can leave it empty if you intend for the work agreement to continue indefinitely.
  11. However, if it's a fixed length contract, set the end date now, and 1st Money helps you to manage the expiry, and possible renewal.
  12. For now, you can see the agreement doc status is set to: "Agreement never sent"
  13. Sending the agreement doc:
    To send the agreement doc to the person, tap: Get agreement sigs
  14. Once it slides out on the right, you'll see a final preview of the agreement doc.
  15. All agreement docs need to be signed by both an admin (or manager), and also by the person themself.
  16. As you'll be signing, on behalf of the company, you may want to read through the doc before continuing.
  17. And to make any changes, tap: Show editor
  18. Then once you're ready, tap Get signed by, and then: I accept & electronically sign
  19. And now that it's been sent to the person as an email, tap: Close
  20. Seeing the agreement doc's status:
    You'll now see that the agreement doc's status has changed to: "Agreement awaiting response"
  21. To see a copy of the sent agreement doc, tap the "View" button: (at the end of the row)
  22. And you'll later see the doc's status change, once the person gets their agreement doc email, and signs the doc.
  23. But, for now, if you scroll to the bottom of the doc, you'll see that your signature's been added to the doc.
  24. And finally, once the person's signed their agreement doc, you'll see their signature there as well.

Keep in mind that:

  • Agreement docs are optional. It's OK to not use the feature. Everything else still works fine.

You may notice:

  • That many of a person's terms of work are already stored in 1st Money. For example, their pay, work hours, job title, etc.
  • Sending it out for signing, as an agreement doc, improves the chance that if anything's wrong with a person's terms of work, the errors are spotted.

To learn more:

  • About how it looks for the person to receive and sign their agreement doc, watch the video on: Agreement doc setup

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about sending a person's agreement doc!

Updated: Sun, 28 Jan 2024.

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