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How do I copy planned times to other days, or other people?

Copying planned times4:06

"How do I copy planned times to other days, or other people?"

Copying planned times is the fastest way to set up shift schedules for everyone in your team.

Once you've created a perfect set of planned times on one person, you can then copy them over to others.

  • You can copy planned times over to other dates for that same person.
  • And you can copy planned times over to the timesheets of other people.

To copy planned times:

  1. First, to open the timesheet that's got the original master copy of planned times that you'd like to copy over.
  2. Start by selecting the person on: "Menu", then "People"
  3. Then tap: Calendar
  4. Next, tap the date on the calendar you'd like to copy the planned times over from.
  5. Once it slides out on the right, to open it in a new tab, tap the three dots: (in the top-right corner)
  6. Then tap: Open in new tab
  7. Now that the timesheet's open in its own window, make sure that all the planned times in the timesheet are exactly right.
  8. If you need to add or change planned times, do that now.
  9. Now that the planned times on the timesheet are perfect, tap: "More", then "Copy planned"
  10. You can see a preview of the planned times you're about to copy (at the top).
  11. Now control + tap multiple people to copy the times over to. You can control + tap as many people as you want.
  12. Next control + tap the days to copy the times over to.
  13. Then tap: Save
  14. You'll now see a confirmation message with links to all the timesheets that you've copied over to.
  15. And finally, if you want to see the newly copied times, tap one of the links.

Now, switching person. You're now logged in as a person you've set planned times for.

To see your "Upcoming times":

  1. First, tap: "Work-time menu" (top-right)
  2. On the work-time menu, every person can now see a summary of their "Upcoming times" for the next week.
  3. If you want more detail, tap: "Menu", then "My week"
  4. And finally, you'll see each day's exact planned times in yellow.

Keep in mind that:

  • Only admins or managers can ever change any planned time on any timesheet.
  • Also, if "Copy planned" isn't showing under the "More" menu, it means your org hasn't turned on "Show planned times" yet.

To learn more:

You may notice:

  • Copying planned times always copies over whatever each row's project has been set to, in the original master copy timesheet.
  • But it never copies over the timesheet's done times or notes.
  • Even if the timesheets contain done times or notes, "Copy planned" still only copies over the planned time info.
  • Which is useful if your shifts are the same from week-to-week, and you want to copy all of last weeks times.

For advanced usage:

  • When copying planned times, you can control + tap all the dates you want.
  • However, when copying large spans of shifts, you may find it faster to shift + tap from the first date, to the last date.
  • And then to subtract the dates you don't want copied (like weekends), using: control + tap
  • Keep in mind that the control + tap and shift + tap shortcuts aren't available on tablets and phones.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about copying planned times over to other dates and other people!

Updated: Sat, 24 Feb 2024.

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